
It's nice to meet you.

Have you ever asked yourself "What on earth am I here for?"

At Vision Church we are going through The Purpose Driven Life to discover God's purpose for our lives.

Haven't been to church in a while or maybe never in your life?
Haven't been to church in a while or maybe never in your life?

We would love for you to be our guest. We meet at 2024-A Redbud Dr. Gastonia, NC 28056 at 10am every Sunday!

Also, you can leave the suit and tie at home 😉
Also, you can leave the suit and tie at home 😉

You can wear whatever you’d like- people at Vision Church wear anything from blue jeans to a sport coat! 👖🤵‍♂️

We will cover topics such as:

-How can I discover God's purpose for me life?
-What is my life purpose?
-Does live ever get better than just punching the clock?
-Why does God have me in my current season?

If any of these questions apply to you (+ more!) then we would love to see you on Sunday at 10am.

We offer ministry for babies and kids of all ages!
We offer ministry for babies and kids of all ages!
And the kids have a blast every week 😉
And the kids have a blast every week 😉

Be our guest this Sunday!

Coming to a new church for the first time can be intimidating. If you'd like, you can fill out the form and a host team member will text you and wait for you on Sunday to personally give you a tour and help you find a seat. 😁

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